Causalism is a way of seeing and being in the world.

It is a moral and personal practice based on determinism, the belief that all human behavior results directly from the preceding causes at play in time and nature. According to Causalism, free will is only an experiential illusion within consciousness. This illusion, like many ills of human nature, deludes us. It accompanies us (ironically) as we take the only path possible given the entirety of circumstance.

Causalism helps its adherents unearth the beauty and peace in the view that humans do not make choices. ‘Choices’ make humans.

This is a hard pill to swallow. Especially as a different pill has already and unknowingly been taken. Free will, the belief that humans are the prime ‘choosers’ in their ‘decisions’, is the counter-belief of Causalism. From the view of Causalism, free will has been subtly accepted as the underlying macro-religion of the world.

Causalists view free will as:

  • a belief-system accepted ‘on faith’ (not scientific or definitive)

  • potentially an illusion within consciousness

  • emotionally dangerous if accepted carelessly

Causalism is a dramatically different way of being with an urgent and singular goal: emotional and soulful harmonization with reality as it is.

Perhaps this goal or idea will cause you to explore more.

If so, welcome.