2.7. No Pride, No Envy

Following the logical chains of causes (Outlined in Section 1.2), it no longer makes sense to be prideful of one's accomplishments. Anything one has done was all that was possible. Achievements are to be experienced, not mistakenly claimed as property of one’s own. 

When we extend this logic outwards to others, it makes jealousy similarly nonsensical. All of us are locked into experiencing our own paths. We don’t cause the path and we don’t own the path. Causalism helps us remember this freeing truth.

The problems here surround esteem. Specifically, how illusions created externally can create and destroy it. Focused reflection (Section 1.5.) turns esteem and its sources inwards and upwards. 

Here we see all forms of envious comparison revealed in their true form: illogical murderers of happiness and wellbeing.


2.6. Causalism and Science


2.8. No-Separate-Self